811: Call Before You Dig

Call Before You Dig!
Most pipeline accidents occur when individuals are not aware of a pipeline's location before they begin their work. The best way to solve this issue is to remember to call before you dig! Whether you are a homeowner or a professional excavator, one phone call to 811 starts the process to get underground pipelines and utility lines marked for FREE. Call 811 if you are planning any sort of digging project, whether you're planting shrubs in your yard or beginning work near a major gas pipeline right-of-way.
Report your digging project by phone or online!
When you call 811 from anywhere in the country, your call will be routed to your state's One-Call Center. Within two business days, the underground pipelines and utility lines around your home, business or property will be marked and you will be able to dig safely. In Oklahoma, you must contact 811 no less than 48 hours before performing excavation work, excluding the date of notification, Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. If you prefer to go online to report your digging plan, visit call811.com.
Once Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline has marked their facilities with paint and/or flags, a Southern Star Representative must be onsite prior to excavation. This will ensure that the encroaching party meets Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline’s standards. In the event of noncompliance with Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline’s standards, a Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline representative has the responsibility and authority to stop work that jeopardizes SSCGP facilities.
For more information on safe digging near our pipeline, visit our Pipeline Safety page.